Administrative Professionals Day?

by Stacey
(Burney, CA USA)

I was wondering if any one had any cute ideas on what to give our school secretary? I know she has a million coffee cups, note pads etc.

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Gift for school secretary
by: Betty J.


How about potted forced bulbs such as tulips, paper-whites, or a mixture? Your School Secretary would enjoy the beauty and fragrance (both for herself and visitors to her desk) while she works. The flowers would grow into their full beauty and be uplifting. And the best part is . . . she could take them home once they are done blooming and plant them in her yard. This would eliminate one more item to figure out what to do with, while still giving her lasting enjoyment as they bloom each year! If you search for "forced bulbs" you should find a place to order them on-line and/or to get instructions on how to force bulbs. Also, Spring is a great time of year to buy some at your local gardening store. I find neat containers in second hand stores for forcing bulbs and this makes it a relatively cheap gift.

Hope this is helpful!

Gift Idea

I guess that would depend a lot on what type of teacher ( I say teacher because this was in reply to Stacy)and how well you know that person on a personal level . But I would personal hope that I had got to know this person on a personal level as well as other co workers and would take the time in advance to plan a surprise get together of some kind and each of coworking taking a personal idea they know this person would enjoy and apply all into a item in which that person could enjoy . for example the person loves quilts and art or whatever so each person makes a piece of art on fabric I'm sure someone out the office knows how to sew and make a quilt each person who took the time to do this wouldn't be forgotten who takes the time to do this wouldn't be forgot because now a days to put that kinda effort into something now days is rare in this day and time. it's these kindsa of gifts that come from the heart that touch someone but these ideas can be applied to any area that this person would like.. presented at the time of planned get together maybe even this person being unaware of this event till time of ..have them doing something that pertains to there work catching them off guard to the planned event anyhow for me not to know this person on a personal level this is the best I could up with I hope your gift idea works out well I'm sure no matter what they will love any ideas it's the thought that counts anyways right .

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